
The File Upload Control is used to upload files to a specified location on the Web server. It is HTML5-based and extends the UI with drag & drop upload feature. The users are able to drag files from their desktop (local filesystem) as well as from the current or another browser window. Or the file can be uploaded from URL. The class that controls the File Upload Control is SK.UI.FileUpload.

Preview of File Upload Control






Include Resource Files

The FileUpload class is included by default within the Admin area of the web site builder, however the File Upload can be used for File Upload Control in the published web site as well, for instance if an application requires file upload control. In that case the file dependencies need to be included.

  • /Shared/UIComponents/Internal/FileUpload
    • css/styles.css
         <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/Shared/UIComponents/Internal/FileUpload/css/fat_file_upload.css">
    • /Scripts/fat_file_upload.js
         <script type="text/javascript" src="/Shared/UIComponents/Internal/FileUpload/Scripts/fat_file_upload.js"></script>


Default Options and Configuration

Name Description Type Default Value
dragndrop Enable/disable Drag & Drop Upload Boolean true
dragparents Window object(s) whose dragenter & dragleave events to be observed in order to highlight the drop-zone Array [ window, parent ]
dropzones HTML Element(s) used for custom drop-zone(s) DOMElement $$([])
dz_showondrag Whether to show built-in DZ only if a drag is present, otherwise show it by default when no file is currently uploaded Boolean false
has_builtin_dz If this option is false, the UI won't draw its default built-in drop-zone. However, if custom drop-zones are not defined, this option will always be considered as true Boolean true
dz_caption_add Default text caption for the built-in drop-zone when uploading file for first time String "Drag & Drop to Add image"
dz_subcaption_add Default text sub-caption for the built-in drop-zone when uploading file for first time String "or click anywhere to choose image"
dz_caption_replace Default text caption for the built-in drop-zone when replacing file String "Drag & Drop to Replace image"
dz_subcaption_replace Default text sub-caption for the built-in drop-zone when replacing file String "or click anywhere to choose image"
dz_animate Whether to fade-in with a smooth transition and then push the elements that are under them to the bottom on dragenter and to disappear with a smooth fade-out transition and all the elements that were under it should go upper with a smooth slide animation on dragleave or drop Boolean true
dz_container Custom container for the built-in drop-zone DOMElement null
class Sets custom class to the main DOM wrapper. Allows also to control the width/height (or other CSS styles) of the default drop-zone by CSS. String "fu-imagefile"
container DOMElement or element id where all elements will be created. DOMElement or String null
source_type Specifies how to initialize the control. To upload a file or URL. Options are "url" or "file". String "file"
file_size Size of the file in bytes. Number 0
url If url has any value, the control will be created in preview mode. String -
url_input_width Width of the control. Number 150
error_message_width Width of the error message. Number null
show_upload_button Visibility of the upload button. Boolean true
upload_button_caption Caption for the upload button. String "Upload Image"
add_from_url_button_caption Caption for the button to upload image from URL. String "Add Image"
preview Preview options of the uploaded file. Object { type : [ 'file_name' ] }
validator Used for file validation of file extension and size. Object { allowed_max_size : 0, allowed_formats : [ 'images', 'video', 'documents', 'audio', ] }
buttons An array of buttons names. Available buttons names are 'change', 'edit' and 'delete'. Object { list: [ 'change', 'edit' ]}


Preview options:

  • type - Preview type. Available options are: "file_name", "flash", "image" and "none".
  • width - For "image" and "flash" this is the width of the image or the flash animation. The default one for "image" and "flash" is 200px. For "file_name" he text width of the file name in the preview. if it is a number, then the file name will be clipped, default is 'auto'.
  • height - Available for preview type "image" and "flash". This is the height of the image or the flash animation.
  • keep_proportion - Available for preview type"image". Whether or not to use image proportions for the preview. If value is set to 'false' - image preview area will ignore image proportions and can accept custom width and height values. Default is 'true'.
  • show_file_size - Available for preview type "file_name". The size of the file will be shown if the size property is defined and show_file_size is set to true. Default is "true".
  • show_icon - Available for preview type "file_name". Whether ot not to show the file type icon (doc, img, video, flash). Default is 'false'

Allowed formats and size for validator options are:

  • allowed_formats
    • images - "bmp","gif","jpg","jpeg","png","tif","svg"
    • video - "3g2","3gp","asf","asx","avi","flv","mov","mp4","mpg","rm","swf","vob","wmv"
    • documents - "txt","doc","docx","rtf","txt","csv","pps","ppt","pptx","sdb","wks","xls","xlsx","xml","svg","pdf"
    • audio - "aac","aif","iff","m3u","mid","midi","mp3","mpa","ra","wav","wma"
  • allowed_max_size - Maximum file size in bytes that is valid. If it is 0 then the size validation will not be made



Name Description Parameters Returns
getUrl Returns URL path to the uploaded file. - String
getFileSize Returns the size of the uploaded file. - Number
getInstanceId Returns the unique identifier. - String
getDomNode Gets the root DOM element. - DOMElement



Name Description Arguments
onBeforeComplete Fires when upload is about to complete arguments
onComplete It passes the event object created by the user interaction:
  • in case a file has been chosen this will be the event object of the change event
  • if the user has set the file as a url - this will be the event object of the click event of the [Set] button
  • if the user has dropped a file in a drop-zone - this will be the event object of the drop event.
showDropzones Fires when all drop-zones are shown -
hideDropzones Fires when all drop-zones are hidden -
onBeforeStateChanged Fires when state is about to be changed -
onStateChanged Fires when there is a change in the state -
dragenter Fires when getting in Drag & Drop area -
dragleave Fires when leaving Drag & Drop area -
sourceTypeChanged Fires when changing the source type. source_type
onBeforeSubmit Fires when URL or file is added for upload. -
onSubmit Fires when URL or file is added and the upload is triggered. -
onError Fires when validation of file extension and size fails. message, return_state
setEnabled Fires when file upload buttons have to be enabled/disabled. Boolean
onAfterImageEdit Event listener fired when image file has been edited with the built-in Image Editor. Boolean
onCancelUpload Fires when file upload has been cancelled. Boolean
onButtonDelete Fires when the button to delete file is clicked. -
onButtonChange Fires when the button to change file is clicked. -
onButtonEdit Fires when the button to edit file is clicked. -



Creating a file upload instance:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/Shared/UIComponents/Internal/FileUpload/css/fat_file_upload.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Shared/UIComponents/Internal/FileUpload/Scripts/fat_file_upload.js"></script>
<!-- CSS -->
<!-- We are able to control the width (or other CSS styles) of the default drop-zone by CSS. 
It has a class fu-dropzone referring to the main wrapper. When custom class is added to the main wrapper, 
we can address a CSS selector. -->
<style type="text/css">
#demo-uploader-dnd {
   width: 350px;
#uploaded-image {
   margin: 10px 0;

<!-- HTML -->
<p>Uploaded Image will appear below</p>
<div id="uploaded-image"></div>

<p>File Uploader</p>
<div id="demo-uploader-dnd"></div>
<div id="demo-uploader"></div>

<!-- JavaScript -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var uploader = new SK.UI.FileUpload({
   container            : 'demo-uploader',
   dz_container         : _$('demo-uploader-dnd'),
   show_upload_button   : true,
   url                  : '',
   url_input_width      : 200,
   validator            : {
      allowed_formats : ['images']
   buttons              : {
      list  : ['change','delete']

   preview              : {
      type           : 'image',
      width          : 212,
      height         : 112,
      show_file_size : true,
      show_icon      : false

   add_from_url_button_caption : 'Add Image',
   dz_caption_add              : 'Drag & Drop to Add Image',
   dz_subcaption_add           : 'or click anywhere to choose file',

   onButtonChange : function () {
         width: '',
         height: ''
   }.bind( this ),

   onButtonDelete : function () {
         width: '',
         height: ''
   }.bind( this ),

   onComplete : function ( url ) {
      var image = new Element('img', {
         id       : 'image-area',
         src      : url,
         styles   : {
            width             : '100%',
            height            : '100%',
            'background-size' : 'cover'
         width: '350px',
         height: '250px'
      }).grab( image );
   }.bind( this )