Open Hours allows you to simply setup and display your business open hours on any page of your site.
You can select the hours for each day of the week and even use the time split in case your business has a lunch break. Different display options allow you to control how your visitors will see your open hours.
To add the application
1. Click on Left Menu > Add-Ons
2.Click Open hours, click Learn More
3. Click on Activate
Once installed, Open hours can be dragged and dropped on page from:
- Left Menu > Elements > Business Info section.
- My Add-ons
Once added on page, you can set up the following options:
- Open Hours days - choose which days to show up as working days by clicking the checkbox
- Working hours - times at which the business is open
- Global for web site - choose if the Time and Date settings should be applied globally for all Open Hours copies of the application on the website (that have the Global for web site option enabled), or for just this single instance.
- Time Split - add time split to selected days - use this option when your business is operating in two different working hours during the selected day.
- The Open Hours Display Options provide the following options:
- Week View / Day View - if you want to show the whole working week or only todays' working hours.
- Make the Days of the week in bold for easier distinction between days/hours.
- Show Current State - display additional information next to the current day:
- “Open Now” - in green text color
- “Closed Now” - in red text color
- “Closing Soon” - in yellow text color and displayed 30 min before closing
- “Opening Soon” - in yellow text color and displayed this 30 min before opening